By registering VIVE Enterprise Business Warranty & Services (will be referred as BWS in following paragraph) program, you will receive access to VIVE Enterprise device warranty, service, and support.
The BWS activation key is provided to customers that purchased a commercial BWS program, you can find it in your BWS Pack if you purchased it from a physical store. If you purchased BWS Pack online, the key was sent to the email address you provided.
Registering the device serial number only grant user access to the Content Management Platform but does not include the commercial warranty (BWS program).
Follow the steps below to register your devices with device serial number and warranty activation Key.
Step 1.
On your web browser, go to to sign up for a VIVE Enterprise account.
Important: Use an email address to sign up.
Step 2.
For registering device serial number, please login to the Enterprise portal, go to the Device Registration tab and click Register Devices
Step 3.
Enter your headset’s serial number, location of purchase, and purchase date. Activation Key is optional field, you can also register the serial number first and fill in the Activation Key for the device later.
Note: If you can’t find the serial number of your headset, hover over “To find the serial number, visit here” to check the example.
Note: For Activation Key, you can find it in your BWS Pack if you purchased it from a physical store. If you purchased BWS Pack online, the key was sent to the email address you provided. The S/N, location, and date cannot be changed once register BWS program.
Step 4.
Confirm the provided information is correct and click Submit. The Activation key field will be empty if not provided in previous step.
Step 5.
The headset you registered will be listed under Registered Device. Click Activate Now on the list or inside device detail view to register the device warranty with Activation Key.
If the provided device information is incorrect, you can click Edit to update the S/N, location of purchase, and date of purchase.
NOTE: You can only edit the registered device information BEFORE activate BWS program for the device warranty.
Step 6.
If you click Activate Now in last step, fill in the Activation Key in the popup and click
Note: The warranty period is calculated based on the Date of Purchase field provided in Step 3.
Step 7.
The Warranty Information section in device detail view will shows the registered warranty Type, Warranty End Date, and Support Contact after registering the Activation Key.
Step 8.
You can also check the Registered Device for the list view. For the device that registered serial number only, it will shows Activate Now in Type column which you can click and register the Activation Key. For the device that already registered Activation Key, it will shows the type, end date, and status.
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